
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My host.....I really grateful with all the help given..

Hi wong you are welcom to stay in our House we havé a extra room for you . 
M'y phone number is 418-809-8720 m'y adress is 675 rue Napoléon Quebec city
I whish you a great road!
Rafael (Quebec)

Hello Leon,

I don't understand how you will reach Québec city without passing first in Trois-Rivières... as my town is between Montréal and Québec...???
Nevertheless, whatever be your plan, this is OK, I'll be at home on that week-end (1-2 May), so I can host you.
I know that bike journey schedule can change suddenly, so please just try to notice me 1 day in advcance to make sure I am at home.
I give you my phone number at home (the answering machine is in French, though !), you can leave a message : 819 378-6503. And at the office (Monday-Thursday) : 819 370-1117.

Have a good ride !

Mireille ( Trio River )


Hey Leon,

we can host you for 3 days, is that ok?  You're trip sounds pretty cool - i really like Niagra Falls.
I also really love cooking, so that'd be really fun.
we just have one ground rule in particular that i wanna run by you first:

we prefer not to leave strangers at our house when no one is home, so we welcome you at our house in the evenings,
but during the day when we all might be going out, we would like you to go out an explore the city etc.
so as long as you're ok not having access to the house during noon and 7pm or so, you can totally stay with us.

let me know what you think, looking forward to hopefully meeting you.

Julia (Montreal )
Hi Leon,
Staying here for a few days around May 10 would probably work fine. Sometimes I have to be away for work at short notice, but hopefully not those days. Keep in touch re your dates, as you get closer to Ottawa. You can also email me at paola.derose@nrcan.gc.ca and I check that one very regularly. Happy cycling! Paola
Paola (Ottawa)


I got your message through Warmshowers. Yes, you can stop in my place around 
May 13th, no problem. Here is my e-mail: anna@outinthesticks.ca and my phone 
number: 613 877 4532. If you have any questions just write to me. Also please 
confirm few days before arrival that you are coming indeed. Have a nice trip.
Anna (Kingston)


Hello Leon -
It will be a pleasure to host you.  I have 2 cats, and I have my boyfriend 
who may be arund as well, but we are all welcoming.  My office is next door, 
so this works out as well.
Would love to try some Malaysian food  if you are up to cooking - you may be 
tired!  We will work it out I am certain.
Just a point, that you are travelling westward - I know you have made your 
plans, but it is often easy travelling with the wind rather then into it.  
Perhaps Niagara to Quebec?  I had other guess from Englan say they wish they 
had done it this way.  However, whichever way you go, it will be wonderful!
My home number is 905-885-2525
My tollfree 1-866-214-7660 (work)
My cell 905-373-5568
And for timing, cycling is as you are correct - subject to change at any time 
for ny reason.  Just let me know your estimte timing - and we will work out 
plans.  My cycling club has also ben known to open their doors if I am not 
around.  Enjoy your trip, and adventure, and I look forward to meeting you in 
Katherine ( Port Hope)




