
Sunday, January 29, 2012

CNY Bali trip

    It is the season of celebration, and season of family gathering. It is Chinese New Year, the biggest celebration of all Chinese on the earth. As for me, this is the only time for all the family members to gather once a year.
   As for this year, we had come out with a brilliant plan of family trip during CNY. Since, we are just a small family, not much relative in hometown, and CNY is the only time for people like us doing business to plan a getaway, to close the shop for few days without any customer complaint. So, my elders brother, Peter had decide to bring all of us to Bali for this CNY trip. However, only Cyron the second brother couldn't join us this time. This is the sad part. Anyway, It was so great to be in Bali for my very first time. Although I had been travel to quite some place, but this is my first time to step on the land of Great Indonesia. Bali island is a very famous tourist spot in the world, and it attract a lot of Australian and Japanese through out all the years. There are more than 50% of foreigner in the down town compare tot he local, and you can really felt the Baliness scent in the air.

   One of the most attractive culture here, is the Hindu religion culture background over here. Bali is the only place in Indonesia where 90% of the local is Hindu. Not like others place in Indonesia, most of them are Muslim. What interesting is, they really kept a lot of historical site in a very original way. Although I am Christian, but i'm really attract with the heritage of their Hinduism culture, and it is so different from the Hinduism in Malaysia.  Due the this cultural influence, you can found a lot of great temple in Bali, such as Bedegul and Tanah Lot. This 2 are the most amazing and pretty temple U had seen in Bali. the Holy Water Temple is something very different temple, where a lot of local people actually purposely went there to take a bath, pray, offering and receive blessing from their master.
   Bali is also a volcano island, which make it so special. There are 2 main volcano on the island, and the last time where the volcano blow is just 2 years ago, but it was just a small one. These present of volcano, actually make the ground very rich of mineral, anything you plant you can get it, and is very good. unfortunately, my trip is too rush for me to hike up the to volcano, so I only manage to look at the volcano from far distance. Yet, this had capture me. And for this, I promise myself to come again next time to climb up the mountain.

   The food here is very different from Malaysia. As said before, this is a Hindu island, so you can found a lot of pork on street. One of the most famous food here is Baby Guling, which is the roasted pork. Don't get it wrong, it doesn't serve like the pork chop, but rather it serve like the chicken rice in Malaysia. All different part of roasted pork fried until very crispy, and serve with rice together. Yum Yum yum~~~ and also Crispy Duck, which they called Bebek there. These 2 is the MUST TRY food when you are in Bali. If you miss it, you miss the great of Baliness food. Others bali food such as Besok (meat ball), roast corn, gado-gado, port ribs, bali satay........all are very delicious also. Not forgetting the fruit there, due to the rich land they have, all the fruit grown there is very delicious, juicy and sweet. I especially like the Bali durian..haha...
    Since Bali is an island, it never disconnect from the beach and sea and water activities. Bali is a very famous surfing spot in South East Asia, and the wave is very strong. It can really goes up the 2 meter or higher, said the local there. During my 3rd day there, we went surfing for the whole day. it was great, and really fun. I manage to surf on the wave, fell like drift...hhaah...not forgetting, Bali is quite a famous place for diving as well. I had my 1st wreck diving experience in Bali, Tulamben. a 3 hours driving journey from Kuta beach, where i stay.
   There are also a lot of place for people that like to shopping. There are lot and lot of shop over here. I had been walking around few days, still I felt that place I been is still too less, there are still many place with lot of different shop here to be explore.
    Bali is an amazing place. you can really found anything you want here. Mountain hiking, safari exploration, temple and historical site, diving and surfing, shopping and food hunting, relaxing and spa,  extreme game such as water rafting and jungle trekking.....anything you want it, there is here...it is really amazing, and it suit almost every stage of people.
    In short, this bali trip is really amazing. not just because of the island itself with full of different activities to suit different people, but also the fellowship of family during this festival. We travel together, sharing together, and play together....it was really great. Although we only manage to gather once a year, but the trip bond us back together, connect as a family member again. When there is family, there is home.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


工作有段时间了, 现在才是真正体会到工作的感觉! 哈哈。。。真正工作其实也蛮有乐趣的。

上个星期, 因为product 的 dimension 出了一些问题, OOC, 所以折腾了整天。 感谢主, 经过了两天的折腾, 努力, 终于找到了问题的根源, Engineering 术语中的 Root Cause. 原来, 我们已开始的解决问题方向都走错了, 不断的tune 机械及process, 到头来却发现这些都不是问题的所在, 也没什么大的帮助。 主因其实是 Robot 拿起 product  的 位置 。 最后, 作了一个 Engineering process analysis report, 用比较学术性的角度探讨这件事的过程, 加入了 work flow 和 beam deflection equation analysis, 得到了老板的赞赏。

hmm。。。应该很多人都不懂我讲什么。。简单点说。。。买了一包蛋糕粉回来做蛋糕, 却发现蛋糕怎样做都不会发。 用了两天时间不断研究, 调温度, 调摆放的高度, 调水的容量, 却都没有效果; 最后才发现原来买的蛋糕粉是不加发粉的, 所以怎样都不会发。。。这样说, 明白了吧。

今天, 用了一整天的时间, 自己一个人跑一个试验, 做 mould 和 press qualification。 感恩的是, 可以赶在放工时, 成功完成了, 成绩也很理想。

昨天, 我的老板也突然和我谈起今年的工作计划。 新年过后, 会让我去参加一个关于robot setting 的 训练, 然后再帮我争取 Six Sigma Black belt 的训练和课程。 我其实已经完成 Six Sigma Green Belt 的项目, 应该进入 Black belt 的, 不过 CI 的人却说不够人, 不能开黑带的班, 还叫我继续做青带的项目; 我直接回应说没有黑带项目我就不要做项目了。 哈哈。。。。没办法, 作项目是课外的工作, 不是工作范围内的事, 没得勉强。。。。。。过后, 他还有一个公司未来方向的项目要找我跟进, 到时应该会比较忙了吧。。

我之前的Six Sigma 青带的项目, 最近有突出的表现, Production scrap 有明显的下降, 也得到了公司高层的注意。。。。不过, 好像也没什么特别的奖励。。。算了。。。分内事嘛。。

接下来, 就看有没有机会到美国受训。。。。不然。。。。哇咔咔。。。。此地不留人,自有留人处。。。

生活嘛, 离不开工作。
我的工作时间稳定, 迟回还要被人催着回。
假期也还蛮多的, 而且随时都能请假, 当然也有无薪假可以拿如果年假也拿完了。
工作没压力 , 同事老板都没给什么压力。
工作时间有弹性,而且自由。 一天有三次休息, 早餐,午餐和午茶时间。感觉很快就能放工了。哈哈。。
工作之余, 有足够的精神和时间让我继续在教会服事。
有很好的上司, 不断提拔, 一直给我机会受训, 学习。
有合作的下属, 虽然很多东西我还要请教他们, 而且一直给他们麻烦, 他们还是很愿意教导,也愿意配合, 给与合作。
最重要的, 我有神的同在! 在任何情况中, 都有平安和喜乐。

Thursday, January 5, 2012

MLM....a success or a failure

Another MLM approach me today again, AmWay...
and, keep saying there are not MLM. both of them said they will not join Amway if it is a MLM...
but, what the different between a business and MLM that they saying, or any other MLM saying they are developing business, not doing MLM?

or, am I look like a person that like MLM, and will do MLM?

I not sure whether it is a succuss, and i cannot even judge it. There are ppl success, and there are ppl fail. But if money is not the main concept of all this thing, who will do MLM? Everyday try to approach ppl and saying we are come to help you to gain wealth together.

Bible said " money is the root of all evil", when ppl go into MLM, I am sure most them are being centered with money in their life. and even when they see others, they see money on them. That is why I so dun like about MLM, it can really remove God from the center of life, without you notice about it. and, when God is remove, sin is done.

Yes, man can be success in life by doing MLM. but what about spiritual? I wishing not only wealth on the earth, but looking at the eternal wealth on heaven.

Please, no more MLM for me.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

告别 2011

翻开新的序章, 2011 结束了, 2012 来到了。
后头看看2011 里所经历的, 除了感恩, 还是感恩。 神的恩典, 让我有一个丰盛的一年。

- 终于结束了五年的大学生涯。 这一年是最空闲,最轻松的一年, FYP 也是超顺利的。Purposal 一次通过, Draft 一次通过, Final Daft 也是一次通过, 完全没有更正。 这一学期的大学生涯, 几乎都是忙教会的事工, 却是成绩最好的一次。 感恩!
-  这学期, 在大学里也多了几个小瓜, 很可爱的小瓜。 多多少少也为这最后一年增添不少乐趣。
- 这一年, 是我事奉生涯中的顶峰。每天晚上的读经小组, 每星期的领袖栽培小组, 个人小组, CF, 大专团契。。。。。虽然有些忙, 却不至于盲, 反而觉得更丰富。而且, 让我更清楚自己的事奉方向。 特别是每星期的领袖栽培小组, 每次的预备课程,都让我本身有很多的学习, 更重要的是提醒我自己是否有做到我所讲的,言行一致。
- 除了在大学的事奉, 下半年也来到了新的地方事奉。 居林的卫理公会将是我接下来的属灵归所,在这里事奉神,也事奉人。 这半年都是先从参与开始事奉, 参与祷告会和少年团。 也在少年人中开始了吉他兴趣班, 好让教会的少年人也能的音乐上事奉神。

- 我很感恩, 还没毕业就已经找到了工作。 而在职场上, 我有很好的上司,给我很多的机会, 提拔我, 也教导我。
- 不知是好还是坏, 我刚进入职场不久,就遇上了世界经济缓慢。 公司开始裁员, 休假。。。几乎每个月都规定拿假一星期。 八五族的工作, 让很多人都羡慕。 我的工作倒是挺轻松的,没工作压力,同事间也还相处得不错。
- 完成了好些的 Project/ 项目。 公司的老板也给与蛮好的评语。 不知会否能更快加薪呢?
- 在工作上, 我都抱持着一些基本的原则。 工作时尽力工作,而且要有效率的工作。 即使没工作,也要找事情做,或学习新的东西, 自我增值。工作中,要懂得人与人之间关系的微妙,适当的讨人心, 让工作时更顺利。

- 这一年的旅游最多了。 五月份, Study week 时去了 Perhentian Island 考潜水执照。 六月开工一个星期后又去了北京和西安背包毕业游。 原本九月份有机会去台湾的,却变成了回家做生意。九月份时, 也还有机会和 Happy Family 的成员去云顶, 第一次进赌场,好不过瘾。 十月去了Koh Lipeh 潜水, 享受东南亚的 马尔代夫。 十一月去了怡保和芙蓉, 特别找一些老朋友相聚。 十二月去了柬埔寨,与好几个整年没见面的老同学一起旅行。  圣诞节时又去了新加玻。
-  旅游, 是我的兴趣。 真希望能有更多的时间去走走看看。

- 还是白子一张。。。。。。。==“

差不多就这样咯。。。。2011年, 告别了!


