
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    11:15am, 终于完成了我大学五年的最后一张考卷。 还有45分钟的时间,结束考试的时间才到。可心里的兴奋却压抑不住, 归心似箭的迫不及待想把心里的兴奋给释放出来。立刻收拾桌上的工具,不假思索地站了起来,走出了考场。坐在一旁的学妹,还一脸恍然的看着我,眼神中透露了一丝丝的惊吓,还有羡慕。
    走出考场后,那是另一番滋味。五年的时间,肩膀上的背包越来越沉重。虽然,我有广阔坚硬的肩膀,强而有力的翅膀,看似能把背包不当一回事儿的自由飞翔。但,背包带所留下的痕迹,又有谁能清楚地看到呢? 展翅飞翔的翅膀,又有谁了解它的疲惫呢? 如今,放下了陈旧破烂的背包,把它原封不动地留在考场的坐席上,我要告别了它。
    骑上了陪伴我走过大学生涯的跑马,开启它的引擎,尽情的在校园里,城市中飞驰,穿梭在车辆之中。 迎面而来的强风,让心里不禁的凉快;没有背包的翅膀,原来是这么的轻松自由地飞翔。
     兴奋的美好,在于它的短暂及即兴。很快的,回到自己的鸟巢里,又是另一番滋味。看着那懒洋洋的床铺,我把手上的文具都丢在一旁,躺上去了。 闭上眼睛,感觉自己就像是在汪洋大海中的一帆木艇,随着海洋摇晃,看上天空,看着周围,都是一望无际的尽头。没有空间的局限,也没有空间带来的压迫感,心情非常的轻松自在,逍遥无限。

Monday, April 18, 2011


他的步法  在昏暗中展开

随着浪潮  遗留岸上的骸骨

他的情深  招惹怒海的嫉妒

朝阳无限好  拨开思夜见天明
黑夜的怒海  如今温和的小潮
他踏上朝阳 寻找希望

Awesome Underwater Explore

    It had been 3 days now, since I came to Perhentian Island. The previous 2 day, it was nothing special. Just courses after courses, to learn to dive in a confined water before we really have the chance to go for an open water dive.
    What we really learn before this were all the basic, like how to control your breath in water, control your buoyancy, knowing all the part of diving gear, assembly and disassemble of the diving gear, and some soft skills and test. These are all very important thing to know, before we go for a real diving. Sicci is a very nice instructor of us, she gave a lot of patient in teaching us, and try to make our lesson as fun as possible.  
    Today, we finally finish the confined water dive part, and heading to the "Temple" for a 18m open water diving. This is the best spot for diving, as what Sicci told us. During the descending, it was not easy. We have to always keep on equalize our pressure by blowing air through our closed nose, and it have nothing to see around also. Anyhow, we manage to reach the bottom of the sea, where there is the hidden world of paradise, a totally isolated wonderland that only can found under water.
    It was like those scene we saw in the Disney cartoon about the " Little Mermaid" and her kingdom. There are a lot of different kind of fish you can see around, with different colors as well. Not forgetting the wonderful coral, that became habitat for many of those fishes. We saw some yellowish fish in school of few hundred just in front our eyes, angel fish in blue color, huge Baracuda lying on the rock, Flowerhorn in blue color that bigger than a new born baby size, and many others aquatic living. Too bad we couldn't see the turtle, while other people on the same boat saw it at the other side. It was really an amazing experience, especially when we getting more used to the dive. Balancing the breath and buoyancy became more easy and naturally, so we can really enjoy all the thing surrounding.
    It is awesome, and I looking forward for tomorrow last dive. I pretty sure it will be as much fun as today, and probably there will have the chances to see a turtle as well.   


    沙滩与太阳,蓝天与白云,岛屿与海洋。 这是许多人向往的人间仙境。
    趁着读书周有两个星期,在第一个星期偷闲出来享受人生的美好,享受创造主手上的工作。这是我第一次来到 Perhentian Island。 特别谢谢 薇薇小姐 为我们安排的一切。
    Perhentian Island 实在是一个伟大的创造,这里的海水有如清水一般的晶莹剔透, 从高处就能一望水底的海底世界,而且海水的颜色青蓝都分布得很均匀,实在让人无法不为之一惊。所以我叫这里“水晶湾”。这样的画面,实在太美丽,太漂亮了。与前几年去的 Redang Island 相比,还真是小巫见大巫, 一山还比一山高,殊不知天外还有一重天。
     这次来这里的主要目的就是为了考取潜水的执照,我们在这里有四天三夜的课程,完成后就能成为一个及格的潜水员了。我们有一个美丽的瑞典美女教练。今天第一次真正体验潜水的经历,不过都专心于自己的呼吸,平衡身体的移动,所以也没有很用心的去看看海底的世界。 这里的海底生物还不是很多,不过仍然能看到一些 Nemo, 会发光的珊瑚,还有其他的小鱼。很可惜的是没有看到海龟,或许明天或后天能够看到吧。

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


    谢谢小苹果和将士的陪伴,把黑夜的暗照亮,让岩石在黑暗中仍然显眼。当让,偶尔还有几个小瓜们的出席,使这样的盛宴更显得热闹。简简单单的出来坐着喝茶聊天,有时会觉得无聊,有时会觉得有趣,但关系很多时候就是在这样的情况中慢慢建立起来,不经意的,小石子就掉在他们的心里了, 而他们的脚印也烙印在岩石上,挥不去。

Monday, April 11, 2011


It had been a long waiting of years for this moment to come, finally I come to the end of Uni life, and going to start a new chapter of life very soon.

Although it had been a fact and knowing of this, but the feeling of leaving Uni life only came when one after another wave of farewell beat on me, telling me that is time to leave, to pursue a distance of dream that yet to come.

Three farewell straight in a row, with different people, different atmosphere, and different message to deliver. Thanks to all of you that put in effort in these farewells, I enjoy it a lot, and they remind me of those young days I had, and how old I am now. Thanks CF, Da Zhuan, and Cg Peace/ Shalom. There are yet some farewell to come, and I sincerely appreciate all of them. These would nicely put a dot in this chapter of life, and new story will began continue from this chapter, with all the blessing and prayers.

Truly, there are part inside me being chaos, and paradox inside my mind. The feeling of leaving is excited because I know there are more wonderful thing out there some where waiting for me, and no more boring Uni life; but there are also some what anxiety and worry inside, wondering what kind of giant or monster am I gonna face in front; and of course there are some precious memory and relationship that drag me down, the seed of passion and effort that I had plant down, hoping to see how they growth in the future.

Anyhow, I know is time for me to say goodbye, and I know GOD is watching after my seed, and I pretty sure He will take good care of them. Farewell is never easy, but it is never too difficult to go through.


