
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


   有人突然说, 我整个人变了,变得成熟, 有些历练的痕迹残留在脸上。
   或许,这半年时间,真的经历了不少事情,让我对生命中很多的观念都改变了。 如果,这些改变都具体的呈现在我的脸上,我想可能连我也早已认不得我自己了吧。
   具体地说,我的外形其实没什么大的改变,就是那种气质给人的感觉不一样了吧。 他是这么说的。 我想了想,也许是吧。


Christianity is all about relationship

   Is Christianity a religion? a true and mature christian would never say it is, cause it is nothing matter with religion actually. Religion is all about the history, doctrine, ritual, service, and bla bla bla.....
   Christianity is actually all about relationship! Whether you want to admit it or not, all about Christianity is relationship with God, relationship with others, and relationship with yourself. Relationship, is often involve only 2 parties, it is nothing matter with how others look, because only 2 of you know very well how close you are.
   Establish an intimate relationship with God, is not just about reading bible and going to church, it is about involve Him in everything in your life. Reading bible can help us to know more about God, but it doesn't build the bonding; instead, think of Him, meditate on Him, pray to Him, ask Him, kidding with Him, questioning Him, these all action that you know He is there to listen to you all the time, it help you to build the bonding with Him. God is always with us, Emmanuel is His name. Because He is here, we should be able to feel His presence all the time, His companionship. The only reason why man cannot feel Him, is because there are too many "Me", instead of "HIM", take away "me" and you feel feel Him. Only when we are empty, then only He can fill us and we feel Him.
   Love others as yourself, love one another. This love, is not about how we love, about how He love us first. The love of Christianity is about self-less, not selfish. Think not about ourselves, but others before us. Only when we are self-less, we are empty, then only we allow His love to flow through us, into others life, and that is how we learn to love each others. We love, because He first love us.
   The last one, love yourself. Knowing our purpose on the earth is to glorify Him, and we live because of Him, we would not easily give up our life. He had paid a great price to ransom us from sin, and therefore our life is no longer ourselves, we live by Him and for Him.
   Without this 3 relationship being establish, we have nothing about Christianity.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

为何小组? 何为小组?

- 教会的少年人需要一个归属的地方
- 少年人需要有属于自己的属灵温室
- 专门栽培少年人,使少年人能够更有效的参与教会事工
- 减少代沟,使教导更流畅
- 让少年人更自由的发展属于他们的空间


- 一群人,有特定时间的集聚,向着同一目标在基督的生命里不断探索和成长。
* 向上的成长 - 认识神 ,建立与神的关系
* 向内的成长 –认识自己,建立与自己的关系
* 向外的成长 –认识教会,建立与人的关系
* 向下的成长 –认识真理,建立以神为中心的价值观
- 帮助灵命成长,圣经理解,参与服事,建立教会归属感。


- 促进弟兄姐妹在主里的联谊关系,彼此扶助关怀,激发爱心成长,使到小组成为一个温馨的家庭。

- 动员各小组成员,一起同心事奉,建立基督的教会。

- 发掘弟兄姐妹的恩赐,给予学习机会,培养带领他们建立更健全的信仰人生。


1.Welcome (彼此问候,互相关怀)
2.Worship (敬拜赞美,交托仰望)
3.Word (研读圣经,彼此建立)
4.Work (彼此服事,建立教会)

Be Initiative

    What differentiate a leader and a follower is, the leader take initiate to start a brand new thing, while follower always waiting for thing to come out and follow it. This is also what differentiate a success and a failure.
    When you saw there is an opportunity, but it may have risk. Do you grab it, or you wait and see others to do it first? Do you worry that you will fail, because no one ever success before? Do you want to be the pioneer, or the later.....Success is always belong to ppl that take the initiative with brave heart, and willing to take risk, but with wisdom as well.
    When you saw there is a new ministry needed,  will you start the ministry first? Some will say there is no people to help, I can't do it by my own. But, a leader will take the initiative to do the ministry by his own, then grab others people to do together. A ministry only can be carry on when there is a group of leader, but to have a group of leader, someone must take the initiative to cultivate them. Take the first step to work, don't always wait for others or looking for others help. The starting is always difficult, but if you never start of give up on the initiate stage, you will never reach the goal. Break through, is the key to be success!
  In serving Christ, we must always take initiative to do the work. There are a lot of work waiting for us to do, but few workers. If we always wanna looking for others help then only start it, the work will never start. If you wanna pull others to do together, you yourself must do it first. Take the initiative to serve others, even though you are the only one that serving, than you will found others people following your step to serve.
  The treasure is ahead of us, will you waiting for others to go and get it? or you go to get it? Serving is a heavenly treasure, do you wanna serve first, or let others to serve first?  Think about it.

  If you study the mode of Jesus in being a spiritual leader, you will found how incredible He is.
" Serve to Lead, and Lead to Serve"
  He take the initiative to look for His disciple, He serve and lead His disciple to become leader, and as He go His disciples can continue His work. He do not look for His disciple and say "you do this", but He cultivate them until they strong enough, then He let them do the work.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

eat or not to eat

A: You want to eat or not? I'll going to cook.
B: Sure.
A: I cook, then you do the washing.
B: If you want me to do the washing, then don't cook. I'll ask for delivery.
A: ... =="..., then don't eat.

Monday, June 21, 2010



邪灵,无处不在。 但有圣灵与我们同在,我们也不需要胆怯。

Friday, June 18, 2010

Divine Companionship

    Ever since I back to Malaysia, everytime  I told people about my backpacking trip on bike by myself, most of them will open wide their mouth, and starring at me, then said: are u crazy? Usually they will first ask, don't you feel lonely?
    It's already been 3 week back to Malaysia, and most of the time I am still alone in house, others were busy traveling as I can run the business. But, I never feel lonely, since I was in Canada, or even during the backpack, and now in Langkawi Island.
    " Draw close to ME, and I will draw close to you"

    Many will never believe this, the companion of The One, can so real, so intimate, so touch, so amazing!! The divine companionship of Him is always with me, where ever I am, I will never fell lonely.
    I still remember very clear, during one of my backpacking trip, on the way from Ottawa to Westport. There is a time when I really wanna give up, as the weather and road condition is really frustrated me. I doubting of Him, why giving me the vision to choose this way of traveling. I came in courage, but the fragile heart again and again pull me down in doubt and frustration.  Then I ask, " if this is Your Will, show me", the only Word appears to me is " My grace is sufficient for you". Simply a word, bring a great comfort, peace, and joy into my heart. My strength is regenerate, and I am able to keep going on my road. I do not get my answer, until I finally reach Westport. He send His angels, to greet me with great courage.
    Back to hometown, my life is full with workload, working more then 12 hours a day, yet back to house still have to clean the house and make my own meal, most of the time. But, strange, no more complaining, some character of mine had been twisted to be more calm. The peace and joy, is always be with me. The companionship, is the source to all the changes toward me, and surrounding me. Beside, He had unveil to me more and more of the truth I yet to know, to see thing in a new perspective I never think of. It shock me even when He give me the vision and courage to establish a new youth minister in my church, with a very clear direction of what to teach and what to reach.
    As I think of this " Divine Companionship", all I can say is that, all christian should pursuit to experience this "Divine Companionship". This is not about how well you know God, how strong is your theology knowledge, it is all about how close is you to your Creator.  This "Divine Companionship", as I define, will be the source of all the knowledge about God. Not from the Bible nor the praise and worship song, not from the experience nor testimonial.
    " when I go, I will sent the Spirit to be with you", " The Spirit is the Truth". When the companionship is so real to you, so does the Spirit, and the truth is reveal more and more to you. Some people may not reading Bible, not even sing song, but they thinking of God all the time, and feel Him all the time, this was happen before the existence of Bible, and it still happen now days.  Simply because, you will be like Him, when you are close to Him.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010



她说:如果我爱他, 我应该顾虑他的感受。


keeping distance

   Maybe, keep a distance, will be better for everyone....if that is so, why not?
   Why do I have to be so dilemma to give out a souvenir?  God knows....haih~~

Compromising in Love

   there was a topic bring brought up recently by a friend of mine, which it actually force me to think about compromising in Love.
   I always told others, in my philosophy of love, being attached means you are not more alone, nor single, it means that you accept/invite someone to be in part of your life. Thus, in what ever you do, you must also take your partner into consideration. The problem is, are you compromising when you take he or her into your consideration?

   Some one said, when you compromising, means you sacrifice the thing you like, to do the thing she/he like. This seen to have a point. But what is Love when you have to sacrifice the thing you like? when you ahve to restrict yourself?  Love should make people happy, should make people free,  but when it make people sacrificing or limited the thing he/she like, is that still love? I was thinking about that.

   Love, means you want to make her/him happy? This is not totally true. Love should make "us" happy and better, instead. When the sacrificing, or restriction is meant for better for both, that compromising is worth. But, it really need wisdom, to know what is best for both.

  Some guy are really very friendly, to both guy and girls ( maybe more to pretty girl), but he was like that even before he was attached. After being attached, if he still being so friendly to others girls until his girl friend get jealous, even he had introduce his girlfriend, does he wrong? If I am the guy, I can say I have no wrong, I were like that even before, and I not going to change. But from a third person, I will have to say, being attach is no longer single life, a lot of thing need to have a limit and border. Should the guy compromise to control himself? or the girl compromise to accept him as he were?

  What if the case, if the guy is being promoted to others country, which he has to be separated with his girlfriend for a very long time. Do he has to compromise to reject that offer, or the girl need to compromise to go with him, while the girl already has a good job?

  Compromising...think about that, a hard lesson to learn...2 people in a relationship, someone must compromise, before the relationship string stretch too much....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


dedicate to Bernie, the english translation for 决择. Hope you really get the true message from here.

In our life, there is never always a calm and easy day, happy forever after is something that will only appear in fairy tale.
But, when you have to live under a circumstances which against your will, how would you face it? This is the choice!
Work out of your interest, hang with people you dislike, looking at thing that disgust you, listen to all the rumor you don't like to hear, stay at a place without belonging..... Will you choose to complain of your life and blame others? look for enjoyment and fun in tribulation? or try to adapt to it and live happily with it?
Complaining never bring a solution to the situation!!

In BIBLE, there are 2 people had set a good example for us, to teach us how to face the tribulation and the adversity circumstances. Daniel and Joseph, both of them were brought to place where they do not belong, and they do not wish to be there. But yet, they live out an extraordinary and outstanding life. The key is that, they never complain in whatever circumstances there were. They offer up their thanksgiving, firmly trust in God, and do their part faithfully in the adversity and tribulation. They looking at God instead of the circumstances where they were!!

Want to have a successful and joyful life? stop complaining, stop blaming!!
offer up thanks giving for your life
offer up thanks giving for your church
offer up thanks giving for family
offer up thanks giving for your work

Last but not least, , do your parts faithfully in any circumstances, then God will turn the rest become extraordinary.

that is your choice, to blame or to trust!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

MH is Malaysia Hospitality?

  MH is not just a airline code, but Malaysia Hospitality?..I doubt about that..if this is the "Malaysia Hospitality"..
  My luggage had delay for 24 hours, but without any compensation. When I went to the luggage office to ask for some document regarding the delayed luggage, the attitude is worse; the comment or feedback on the web only reply after a week of time....5 star? why do I have to pay more RM500 for MAS then, I would rather just take Air Asia next time then....haih~~ disappointed..

Monday, June 7, 2010


人的一生中, 总没有风平雨顺,那是童话里才会有的情景。
可是,当你必须在一个你不愿意的情况下去生活时,你会如何面对? 那就是人生的抉择。
做你不愿意做的工, 与你不想来往的人来往,看你不想看的人和事,听你不想听的事,住在你不想住的地方。。。。。你会选择不停的埋怨?还是在逆境中寻找乐趣?又或者让自己去喜欢这个情况?

圣经书中,有但以里和约瑟这两个人作为我们的模范。 他们都被带到他们所不愿意的情况下生活,但他们却活出了超凡的人生。关键就在于, 他们无论在任何情况下,都献上感恩,都信靠神,而且都没有埋怨,更在这样的逆境中尽心尽意地做好他们的本分。

想要有成功的人生吗? 别再埋怨了。

然后, 无论怎样的情况,都尽心尽意做好每件事,神自然会把一切都变得超凡。

Saturday, June 5, 2010


    离家, 有五个月之久了。竟然,回到家的第一个印象是陌生。
    陌生,不是因为没看过这家,只是把加拿大的眼睛带了回来。家里的凌乱,和加拿大头套方式的住家相比之下,还真需要一些时间去适应。 应该说,不同的文化,也同时导致了对家的不同观念,包裹摆设。
    回到了家,用了几天时间,慢慢去收拾家里,让它变得更有条有理。 都没发现,我好像突然间看重家里的整齐,有点无法接受凌乱。 始终,家还是休息的地方,整整齐齐的家,看了才能安心休息嘛。


