The bell for Christmas is ringing, and melody is floating in the sky...
Christmas eve is just about to end, and the season of greeting is here.
Merry Christmas and Felix Navidad to all my friends!
This year Christmas eve is different than those I have every year, as this year I'm attending church on this special day ( although I actually really hope to attend). My second bro, Cyron is having his engagement party + house warming party together on this Christmas eve, and invite me to come love to witness, and to help up for his preparation.
The whole day, we were just busy on preparing the food for tonight party. we do spaghetti both red tomato sauce and white cabonara sauce, skewed Beef, Roasted Turkey, Mash Potato, fruit salad.....a lot of food.....I found that I actually still enjoying cooking, like those days before when I was in Canada. Anyway, this days had become much lesser....
in short, the party goes smooth, and everyone enjoying it. The food is good, but still it is too much....wrong I guess for the rest of the week we'll don't have to cook or buy anything to eat from outside...
Christmas eve, it suppose to be a religion celebration event. But this religion event had been accepted by everyone in the world, and everyone is enjoying..whether they take is as the celebration for the birth of Jesus Christ, or just a season of greeting, gathering, and party. Everyone still enjoying and celebrating it in their own way. This had testify the Word in bible, " Joy to the world", " all the earth are rejoice for the birth of Christ"....What else season others than Christmas is celebrating through out all the nation? .....
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