
Saturday, February 27, 2010




Wednesday, February 24, 2010

reflection on NPFBO midterm paper

  The article I had post few weeks ago about the Non-profit Faith-based Organization, FBNPO, I had get the paper back yesterday after being marked by Prof. Siemen Lynn. Well, the result was out of my expectation, is actually better than I expected. This is the 1st business paper that I did for my whole life, and it is quite different from how others people write the paper in business way, and I still used to write the paper in a engineering research way.
   However, something weird is, instead of being happy and exited about the result, I feel contented and gratitude; not to comparing with others, but just to satisfy yourself. The topic was choose by myself, and I choose something which I had experience in, and something that I willing to dedicate to, and is the thing that I need to know more to get more involve in the work, and the discussion is all surrounding Christianity. This is what people always said, when you do something of your interest, and you having good result from it, you feel contented of the successful. And when the thing you do is surrounding Christianity, you feel gratitude. That is what differentiate a world-view and the God-view people.
   This is the comment from the Prof, and I really have to admit the weakness in my paper.
 - this is a great topic.
- I found it very unique and interesting.
- I can see you put a lot of research in this paper.
- you have quite a substantial numbers of errors in grammars and sentences structure.
- I would like to see a more consistency when discussing the topic.
- you move around from talking faith in general to specific religions a lot.
   From the paper being marked with all the grammar mistake circles by the Prof, I know that she really read the paper word by word, and is reading carefully through out the paper. And it is true, that I really have to improve my writing skills, and the grammar. haha....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Performance at Victoria Chinatown for CNY

   Yesterday was the 8th day of CNY, and it was Sunday. Being told by Eunice that there are some performance at the Chinatown, we decide to go have a look after the church service.
   There are some Lion Dance, Dragon Dance, Fan dance, kung fu performace, and Tai Chi...anyway, I would say this is the worst Lion and Dragon dance I ever saw. the Lion Dance only dance on floor, they dint jump on the beam or anything, and the drum is in slower beat, sometime they even change people on half of the performance, and you can c the costume of the Lion body and leg is diff...wht a funny Lion...and the worst is the Dragon dance, mostly play by the kids. how to say? look like a half dead dragon flying.....
    Surprising is, there are a lot of GUAI LOU that involve in this chinese tradition festival. even some of Lion and Dragon player are those Guai Lou. haha....and even a Negro play in the Lion and kung fu...
    Malaysia Lion dance is still one of the best I ever seen. even in Langkawi, is better than here. But, wht can u expect when you in a country that all people speak in English, and even the chinese here can only speak english, what else tradition culture tht can b very origin compare to the chinese speaking place? Malaysia and Canada are both multiculturalism country, but chinese in Malaysia is much more Chinese than Canadian Chinese. That is a good thing, for a race to maintain their own tradition without capitalize by the culture is other places. And this is the real multiculturalism as compare to Canada.  

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gratitude in Vancouver

Staying in Vancouver for 3 days in at YK place. This is really a gratitude thing for me, and I really appreciate it.
Yk is a friend of my bro,Cyron. be more correctly, she is a best friend of Lmei, which is friend of Cyron. I know Lmei thru Cyron, but not veyr close, yet we can crab for a day. Lmei and YK both is actually older than me by 1 circle, which mean 12 years.
   Since Cyron and Lmei know that I coming to Vancouver, they had ask me to contact YK before I come here. So, i'm actually just contact with YK thru e-mail b4 this. but this time, as I come to Vancouver, I have the chance to meet up with her.
  The 1st day, which I was just pass by Vancouver to go to Rockies, i met her and her son,Beto Enn for a lunch. She treat me a Japanese food and telling me many about life in Vancouver. The 2nd time I met her when I back from Rockies, and she offer me to stay at her place, which is a very good for me, as I was planning just to find a park to sleep...haha...and I had staying there for 2 night, to travel around Vancouver, to all the attraction place in Vancouver.
   Have a very good time during the stay, although YK older than me so much, she treat me like a lil bro; and even it was our 2nd meet, she treat me very well like a old friend. Giving me the house key, letting me use her computer, and prepare meal for me. the common topic among us is actually Lmei by the way, but yet I like to listen to her sharing on raising this little naughty Beto Enn. He is one of the cutest boy I ever meet,( the other is Wen Xuan). He always bring trouble yet giving a lot of laughter to others.  
   I am being bless and I am gratitude. with all the people I met, all the thing I encountered, I know....GOD is taking care of me.

You Gotta Be Here in 2010 - Super, Natural British Columbia

You Gotta Be Here in 2010 - Super, Natural British Columbia

This is one of the best video clip to introduce BC Canada to others. as for who ever that wanna know the place I staying now, watch this video clip. It is so impress when you found out there more actually more sophisticated than what you saw on this video clip.

Enjoy it!!


    救恩与洗礼有关系吗?有怎样的关系? 如果有,难道没洗礼就没救恩吗? 如果没有,那又为何要洗礼?
    教会的弟兄姐妹,有时太过热情,也过于主观,一直鼓励慕道友去洗礼。一些慕道友,他们相信了基督,也决志了,可是就一直找不到平安和勇气去洗礼;一些则相信了基督的教导,也觉得基督很可信,可也还是缺乏平安。如果没有平安,可以洗礼吗?我想,这是弟兄姐妹需要去深深思考的问题吧。圣经不是这样教导我们吗?“我们所传的是平安的道,是叫人的平安的”;“我们所撒的是平安的种子,神所收割的也是平安的树苗”;“你们如果没有平安,就不可领受圣餐,免得玷污了自己;那没有平安可以洗礼吗?” 曾经看过,一群的弟兄姐妹“围攻”一个慕道友,一直用他所无法了解或接受的道理说服他洗礼,这无形中也给了他们很大的压力。 我们是靠着自己的说服能力使人洗礼吗?难道不是靠着那赐人平安的圣灵使人愿意洗礼吗?  对于未信主的人(包括慕道友),他的心还是刚硬的,十字架的道理是愚笨(未完全的)的;但对我们得救的人,那是神的大能。 我们尝过主恩的人,怎么向未尝过主恩的人说明主恩呢?那是主观的经历,怎样让他们体会呢?难道他们都完全不懂你们所说的吗? 凡是都有定时,撒种有时,收割也有时; 当他们尝过了主恩,经历了平安,就不会再逃避了。 我只能劝弟兄姐妹,别让洗礼成为了得救的记号,或者成长的过程,更别把重担压在慕道友身上,恐怕他们因此就对基督生了反感;只要一味的存着爱心对待他们,让他们自己经历主恩的大能。只要问候他们是否愿意洗礼,不可说服他们洗礼,恐怕你们就在他的不愿意上有罪了。收割的时间没到,我们能收割吗?我们怎能知道神的时间呢?难道我们比神还有智慧吗?拔矛助长只会得来一场空。
其实,救恩与洗礼没有直接的关系,所以洗礼不一定得救,不洗礼也不表示就此不得救恩。我们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;不是靠洗礼,不是靠人手上的工作,而是神白白的恩典。 我们不是靠着遵行律法换取救恩,而是单单因着“相信”就得“救恩”。 那,为何信了基督还要洗礼呢? 不是已经得救了嘛。 首先,基督降世为人要我们效法他,基督不也自己接受了洗礼吗?我们不就更应该效法他的洗礼吗?难道我们的信比基督还强吗?第二,如果你信,那为何不敢承认和宣告你的信仰?难道相信基督是一件耻辱的事吗?“你若不背负自己的十字架跟随我,就不配做我的门徒”;你们要心里相信,口里承认,不也更应该以行动证明吗?。 雅各书不也告诉我们,信心没有行为是死的,行为把人看不见的信心给彰显出来,这行为不也包括洗礼吗?第三,洗礼是为了归入教会。母亲生你,你就因此属于这个家庭;圣灵在灵里生了你,你也同样的要归入神的家庭。洗礼预表与基督同死同活,代表新生命的开始,若家人看不到你的重生,怎知你是这个家的一份子呢?成为一家人,就有了一家人的身份,也有家人的责任。 第四,洗礼是为神作见证。你若不洗礼,怎能为主作见证呢?你若告诉了他人信基督的好处,你怎能告诉人不洗礼呢?基督不是给了我们使命去使万人洗礼吗?第五,洗礼给人基督徒的身份。名不正则言不顺;不在其位,不得其权;洗礼虽然不同等救恩,却是一种身份。难道人能看见你的信就知道你是基督徒吗? 他们不也看你的洗礼吗?
    感谢神,他给人类最微妙的夫妻关系,让我们看见神与人的关系。救恩与洗礼的关系,就像爱情与婚礼;基督与人类,就像新郎与新娘。当我们开始认识基督,就像一个女人刚认识一个男人;我们或许只想交朋友,或许只想了解,或许会有好感。后来,基督就会向我们表白,就像男人向女人表白,若有好感我们就接受了。开始情侣的关系,就像一个慕道友;基督会用他的爱来爱我们,男人会爱他的女人;我们会慢慢的更认识基督,女人会更认识男人;然后我们更爱基督,女人更爱男人。但是,基督不会催促我们去嫁给他,他知道你有多爱他,也知道你的时间,也知道你的平安不够;当时间到了,当我们爱他过于自己,过于一切,基督就会向我们求婚;时间未到时,或许周围的人会一直催你去嫁他,会不停的告诉你这男人的优点,告诉你嫁给他的好处。不过,这是个人的关系,若女人还没准备好,还不完全认识这男人,还无法万全相信这男人,还不能托付自己给这男人,又怎能叫她安心平安的嫁人呢?经历过被催婚的女人,应该懂那种压力吧! 同样的,还在寻找认识神的人,怎能叫他平安的去洗礼呢?难道结了婚才学会爱吗?还是接了婚就会爱吗?这不也是为何离婚率不断提升的原因吗?本末到置的做法,能提升洗礼的人数,但都能荣耀神吗? 神看重教会的人数吗? 还是看重爱他的人的人数? 一个新郎期待一个带着犹豫的心到婚礼的新娘吗? 当一个女人体会了男人的爱,也深深爱着这个男人,就自然很愿意很想嫁给他;我们不也是因为深深爱着神而想洗礼归入他吗?洗了礼就等于嫁了人,与他合而为一,为他生儿育女,一生跟随他的脚步,一生只爱他一个。
   或许会有人想说只想爱而不想结婚,如果这是男人,那他就是一个不愿意也不敢负起责任的男人,但我们的神是一个愿意负责任,而且负责到底的神,他很渴望与我们结婚。 若这是一个女人(我想先请所有男人都当自己是女人来看待人与神的关系), 那就请男人去问你们身边的女人,有几个女人是不渴望嫁一个好男人的,或者只想恋爱不想结婚的,调查数据其实表示多数不愿意结婚的都是男人。不愿意结婚的女人,或许对婚约有恐惧,或者对这爱情没保障,又或者根本对这爱情只抱着爽来爽去的心情; 真的爱情,会叫人致死不渝。
   结论,信神的人就应该洗礼,但要有平安,有喜乐的洗礼。 还没预备好的,也别仓促的洗礼,继续与基督建立更亲密的关系先吧。 作弟兄姐妹的,要鼓励人去洗礼,但只要问候,不要催促,也不要给人压力。如果这慕道友还没心里准备,还没平安,还没勇气,只要为他好好祷告,与他一同祷告;不可用许多的道理添加他的平安,因为平安是从神来的,不是道理。如果慕道友用许多的道理拒绝洗礼,也不可与他辩论,因为这不造就人,也不造就神,只管让他自己去经历神吧;因为“愚妄人所行的,在自己看来是正直的,只有智慧人肯听劝告”;还未蒙圣灵启示的人是无法了解十架救恩的;与愚昧人争论的,比愚昧人还要愚昧,只要勒住自己的舌头,只说早就人的话。 凡是都有定时,就让神自己来收割吧,我们只管去撒我们的种子。


Friday, February 19, 2010

Olympic fever and Human Traffic


Winter Olympic had come to Canada this year, and I am so glad that I am here.!! :)
The whole city of Vancouver is in totally human traffic, people from whole around the world is all meeting in Vancouver for the Winter Olympic. How jam is the human traffic?? see these yourself.

these is taken 9am the morning beside the Russian House( Science Centre) near Quebec Street. I not sure what they all waiting for, just saw a lot of people waiting there.

The GE Plaze. People have to Q for an hour to enter the GE plaza to buy Olympic souvenir. the Plaza actually controlling people inside, letting maybe 1000 people inside the plaze at once. When there is people come out, then only others can go in. GE plaza is considering not very long Q if comparing to the Olympic Souvenir, people have to Q for 3 street long to enter the Mall.

 not only the mall, but people all Q up to the Vancouver attraction place. This is the Vancouver art Gallery, people Q until 5 street long to wait to go inside. I was very enthusiastic to go in at first, but when I saw the Q, I gave up!  you need to Q for 2 hour probably just to get in. I would rather come again next time then to Q there. It is freaking crazy!!

 another Long human traffic waiting to go into the 1st nation museum ( if not mistaken), the exhibition opposite the CBC TV station.


This is the Super Long Q where people waiting to go inside Vancouver Downtown LiveCity. 5 Street of Q at least.....Gosh!! Lucky I was there the 1st day I arrive, where not yet so many people.

ok...basically. It wont be advisable to visit Vancouver at these moment if you not planning to watch the Olympic game, or planning for a relax vacation. But, if u like merry and crowded and party, these would be the Best Time to visit Vancouver. 

Monday, February 15, 2010




期间,也有机会去了奥运的LiveCity,参看奥运赞助商的展出, 有Samsung, Sony,Coca-Cola, Panasonic。。。还有各国的食物。拿了很多的礼品,不过也全丢了,都不管用。





Sunday, February 14, 2010




Thursday, February 11, 2010



   枫叶国的新年,是一个充满未知数的探险旅程。要登上人生的第一个雪山,进入雪山之中寻找一个“宝物”。传说中,雪山的中心有一幅晶莹剔透,无边无际的冰镜,而这冰镜能让人看到自己的内心世界。 就像一个放映器,把自己不懂的一面完全照在人前。。。。这个旅程,要斩蒋过关吗?会遇到雪山怪兽吗?期待。。。。
    等我吧。 我会把雪山的宝物都带回来,我会爬到顶峰,爬上山崖,在那里大声呼喊:“新年快乐!! 副恩满溢!!”。当雪溶化,当水流进大海,当大海升华成白云,当白云带着雨水降落在你们身上,我的祝福就与你们同在。当你们看见春雨的降临,请记得从雪山带来的祝福!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Role of Faith in Non-profit Faith-based Organizations

   For years, the contribution of non-profit faith-based organizations (NPFBOs) in social service and charity had been recognize in the eyes of the world. One of the ex-president of United State, George W. Bush official acts was to create a grant as the recognition and encouragement of their effort in doing charity (Margaret and Sheldon,2002). According to Gary (2008), non-profit organization (NPO) is an organization that does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its goals. Thus, NPFBOs is a NPO that develop base on the faith, which embed the religious value. For example, World Vision and Missionaries of Charity are NPFBOs that develop base on Christianity value and mission.

    God is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as: ‘‘The supreme being, seen as the omnipotent creator and ruler of the universe’’ (Webster’s, 1987). In most of the NPFBOs, God is consider as their managerial stakeholder representing the ultimate CEO, owner, or partner of the organization (Mark, 2006). Considering God as a managerial stakeholder in a NPFBOs, is a great spiritual and mental support for the members of the organization. As, they know that they are actually serving The One that omnipotent and Creator of the world. Besides, putting God in a organization like NPFBOs is extremely important as God is the foundation of faith for all the employee, the unchanged God provide a sustainable faith to the member of organization.

    In NPFBOs, faith toward the God shape the mission of an organization. Mission serve as the core of an organization. More than a statement or a symbol, the mission is a tool that provides a clear, compelling statement of purpose that the organization disseminates both internally and externally. A mission statement also helps define an organization, expressing its values and envisioning its future simply and clearly. Often, the mission statement attracts clients, donors, funders, employees, and volunteers to an organization (William and Carlton, 2003; Drucker, 1990).

    Faith bring a greater meaning and purpose for employer and employee that involve in the organization (Mark, 2006). In most of the religion, it teaches their follower to do good and pursuit the meaning of life. However, working alone and doing good sometime make people exhausted and feel meaningless of their work without the understanding of meaning of life, Mitroff (2003) concluded that people have the tendency to want to know their full potential as human being both on and off work. Having faith to serve in NPFBOs allow the follower to gain more experience in spiritual and share the passion of God with others. Working is no longer a pursuit of material satisfaction, but spiritual satisfaction.

    Faith implant a strong social responsibility in an organization, this was found by Michael and Jerry (1982) in their research, it shows that student society with religious background are noticeably having more emphasis on social responsibility than non-religious background student society. Their result also show that student with religious background display strong desire to serve others as well as a desire for personal spiritual experience which emphasize of personal relationship with the Divine One. Thus, it proved that faith having great influence in social responsibility of an organization. Employee tend to see themselves as a steward who are willing to put the needs and interests of others before themselves. They are more willing to give out and reach out to the community that need helps. Motivated by Christ Jesus, the Christian based religious organization seek to follow Jesus in His identification with the poor, the powerless, the afflicted, the oppressed, and the marginalized, they practice the servant hood and humility of the Christ (World Vision: Core values).

    Besides having social responsibility toward human being, faith also lead an organization to automatically take into account the interests and protection of the natural environment as part of God’s creation. This ‘sustainability’ perspective might alleviate the need to consider the natural environment as a distinct stakeholder or to only act in response to demands put forward by environmental special interest groups ( Mark, 2006). Quote from one of the core value of World Vision, “We care for the earth and act in ways that will restore and protect the environment. We ensure that our development activities are ecologically sound.”. Faith provide an organization not only to help human, but also to save the environment.

    Faith had been identified as a variable that might influence ethical decision-making, behavior, and personality (Mark,2006). This is essential for a NPO in deciding how will the organization use the money from funding, large amount of money can easily lead people in wrong doing. However, faith given an organization a higher perspective of ethical principle and guide line, then they could not disown the negative impacts of their actions, particularly those that resulted in harm to the physical and social environment (Mitroff, 2003).

    It is sometime quite difficult for people to understand why are someone willing to dedicate in NPFBOs in this era of materialistic, knowing that working in a NPFBOs is often accompanied by lower salaries, fewer academic opportunities, diminished professional prestige, decreased control over the work environment, increased bureaucratic interference, and little free time (Farr et.al., 2006). Roger and Anna(2005) found that  people may engage in NPO because to a sense of obligation to a particularly good cause, feeling of social responsibility, or altruistic empathy with afflicted. There are also evidence show that people volunteer to attain social, psychological and practical benefit. In some case, they are easily to leave the organization when they obtain or reach their purpose, or when they felt low job satisfaction after a certain period. However, in NPFBOs, most of employee relate to their work as a calling more than a job (Farr et.al., 2006). For these, the work has meaning not merely as material gain, but the obligation to response to the love of GOD. This is especially true for Richard which was a former CEO in Lenox, America’s finest tableware company when he decide to dedicate himself to volunteer in Africa’s social work with World Vision (Richard, 2009). Richard claim that what he do is just to answer “The Call”. Thus, faith serve also as an important factor in recruiting employee and providing sustainable employee for the NPFBOs.

    Faith had prove to motivate employees and employers of NPFBOs to keep on serving in this organization although they are given low salary and less free time, and most of the time, they have to serve in the rural and disaster area alone without others. Motivation from faith is in the perspective of spiritual, in some extent, spiritual motivation is more effective than others form of motivation. Richard, in his testimonial, explain that through all this year of his service with World Vision, he was motivated not only by his colleague, but the Holy Spirit and the passion toward the needy. He exclaim that it was faith that keep him to serve for such a long time (Richard, 2009). Mother Teresa had serve her whole life in India, she says that whenever she thought of the love of Christ toward the children, she couldn’t stop to love them, she want to help them more (Teresa, 1997). Michael and Jerry (1982) research also show that religious motivation had significant factor in determine the employee’s participation in NPFBOs.

    Faith also build a good working environment for the employee and employer in NPFBOs. Having faith as the foundation of the organization, members of the organization create a spiritual environment in the working place (Mark, 2006). They having prayer to upholding each other every day and start their  daily activities with prayer as well. This kind of working environment is able to increase the employee’s commitment toward the organization.

    In the other hand, reward system in NOFBOs is totally different from other organization. In other organization, employee looking forward the reward as a motivation and recognition of their effort and contribution. But, in NPFBOs, employee believe their reward is on the heaven instead of on the earth. In Christianity and Islamic, they believe in the reward in eternal life, while Buddhism believe they have to do good as a ransom to their sin. Divine reward is more precious than the reward on earth for them. When Mother Teresa accept her reward from the Nobel prize for Peace, she gave thanks to the Christ Jesus and donate all the money to Missionaries of Charity (Teresa, 1997).

    The role of faith in NPFBOs is not just a symbolic trademark, but it shapes the mission and the core value of the organization. Considering God as the managerial stakeholder of an NPFBOs is a mentality and spirituality support for the organization, leading the organization to do works that please the God and having higher perspective of ethical decision-making. Beside, having faith as the organizations support, it form a strong bonding that bind all the co-workers in the organization, allow the employees to work in higher spirituality working environment, giving them a higher perspective of meaning and purpose to serve and dedicate in the organization, and  improve the commitment of the organization’s member to the organization. Meanwhile, it also serve as the motor that motivate the employees and employers to work in an environment that accompanied with lower salaries, fewer academic opportunities, diminished professional prestige, decreased control over the work environment, increased bureaucratic interference, and little free time. All these factors  show that faith having positive influence in NPFBOs, and it may also works in others organization.  

The Love Dare

If some one ever ask you, What is so different about Christian?
What would be your answer?
This will be the best answer to distinguish Christian from others.

God Himself had shown His love to us through His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. and He gave His life for us so that we may come to Him. This is such a wonderful love, that the prince of heaven willing to sacrifice Himself to set us free from the debt of our sins.

and, because He love us, He want us to be like Him. He want us to love the others just like how He love them. People do not recognize us as a Christian from our appearance,nor our speaking, nor our behavior,  nor the necklace we wear, not the tattoo with "I am christian", BUT people recognize us belong to Christ when we love one another.

How would you think that God will evaluate you?
are He going to count how many possession you have? Or how many people you had forgive? Or how many money had you given to church? or how many day you spent in church? NO, God will never ask this.
He will only evaluate on our Love. Do we love our neighbor, do we love our family, do we love HIM, and not forget , do we love our enemy?....is all about love. because  love can shelter many sin.

Bear in mind, our salvation is not about what had we done, but its all about what had GOD done for us. And this all is done based on His LOVE for us. That is the key of salvation.

In Christianity, is just all about how dare do you willing to Love?
Love need sacrifice, just like how Christ had sacrifice for us.
Love need humble, just like how Christ humble Himself to become servant of all.
Love need reaching out, just like Christ reach out to those needy.





Monday, February 8, 2010

interview with David

Did you all still remember one of my previous blog about " visual data"?
well, if u dont, u can skip this blog; and if u wan to know, go read it.

I having an interview with David last week ,he is  the researcher that doing his research on effect of visual data to human daily life, and i participated in this survey. Simply just because it give the compensation for the time I use for this survey.
However, this survey do make me more sensitive to the visual data tat I encounter in my daily life.

Okay, wht so interesting about this interview?
It somehow make me learn something new that I dint notice before. and after David explain to me, I felt it was so true and wonder why am I so stupid not to realized it.
Did you ever use a 3D bar to plot your data? if YES, then you already make a BIG/HUGE mistake. 3D bar or pie or any chart that only represent 2 information, is actually potential to cause error in determine the true data, and it is some how confusing as well. Taking an example, is a pie chart bcm 3D, the angle will some how make you avoid some of the data, and the size of the pie is change in a 3D view.

this look great, isnt it? but some may difficulty in determine the true value, the front or the back line?

there is also a great influence of the colour, shape color data is easily to attract people, but if a lot of shape color bar or line in the data, it will also confusing. there shouldnt use contrast color in a bar chart, as it may cause confusing as well for ppl to view the data.

did you found difficulty in view this data?
the colour and the size between the group had done a big mistake in confusing people.

David was exited with the data I found from megazine and other place, and we had a lot of conversation tht was interresting. hha..although the conversation had been record down by video and audio, but it is confidential, so i cant share with you all also..

and, in the end. I get my CAD$40....hehe..

Sunday, February 7, 2010





Tuesday, February 2, 2010


又是星期二, 今天的课是晚上六点半, 有一整天的时间让我无所事事。原本打算睡到太阳晒到屁股才起身的,怎知还没七点人就醒了,怎么睡都睡不回。
起身刷牙洗脸,吃个营养早餐,回房间灵修, 然后就开着点脑无聊的过日子,和小熊,咖啡,小卿聊天, 时间过得很快。 或许等下回去Silver City 逛街吧。
Organization Behavior (OB) 的 assignment 要到期了,心却沉重得不想去动它,不是很难,只是不懂得如何开始,也不是很想开始; 五页的功课,还是Double Spacing。 不过,我想我今天也应该开始了。我特地选了比较有趣的题目《The Role Of Religion in Faith Base Organization》,打算参考World Vision 这个组织的构造。迟些等我做完了这个Assignment, 在上载和大家分享吧。 我想应该会有人感兴趣的。


