Wind, it can flow to the highest, cruise on the wilderness sky, without the burden of leaf, it had no more to worry about.
叶子, 始终不是飞翔的翅膀, 无法永远依赖着微风, 最终还是要回到大地, 一个属于自己的地方。
Leaf, eventually not a wing that could fly, it can't always rely on the wind, in the end it still need to back to the ground, to a place where it's belonging.
风, 是不会停止的吹动, 不停追逐它的梦想, 即使到了低谷之处, 终会飘到云霄之上。
Wind, will never stop blowing, to chase after his dream, even though it reach the lowest valley, it still will float above the cloud.
叶子, 本是不需要飞翔, 是高高在上挂着, 有树的拥戴滋润, 却羡慕风的自由。
Leaf, it doesn't need to fly, it is hanging high above, with the care and nourish from the tree, yet it admire the freedom of wind.
风, 仍然继续吹着, 叶哨之声旋绕, 吹过众林之处, 不带走一片叶。
Wind, it still keep on blowing, surrounded by the sound of leaves, it flow through the forest, yet do not bring any leaf on.
叶子, 清脆的掉落, 安抚着大地, 枯萎而化肥, 再次回到树。
Leaf, simply it drop, to comfort the ground, it fade to become fertilizer, and back to the tree again.
风, 潇洒自在, 遨游四周, 经山过水, 万万不息。
Wind, full of freedom, flow over the world, through the mountain, and never perish.
叶子, 息而生, 生又息, 是息生, 仍树宰。
Leaf, fade to grow, and grow to fade again, whether fade or grow, tree is the master of it.
Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone
to have a deep soul relationship with another
to be loved thoroughly and exclusively.
But God, to a Christian, says,
''No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone, with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to me,
with having an intensely personal relationship with me alone,
discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found.
无论是任何欲望或需要。 Will you be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you?
You will never be able to unite with another until you are united with Me,
exclusive of anyone or anything else,
exclusive of any other desires or longings.
I want you to stop planning, stop wishing,
and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing,
one that you cannot imagine.
I want you to have the very best.
Please allow Me to bring it to you.
你所需要的,只是耐心等待。 You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest thing,
keep experiencing the satisfaction that I AM,
keep listening and learning the things I tell you,
you just wait, that's all.
Don't worry. Don't be anxious.
Don't look around at the things others have gotten or that I've given them.
Don't look at the things you think you want.
You just keep looking at Me, or you'll miss what I want to show you.
And then, when you're ready,
I'll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would dream of.
You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready,
(I am working even at this moment to have you both ready at the same time)
until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me,
and the life I prepared for you,
you won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me,
and thus the perfect love.
And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love.
I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with me,
and to enjoy materially and concretely,
the everlasting union of beauty, perfection and love.
Know that I love you utterly.
I am God.
Believe it and be satisfied.''
施比受更为有福 It is more blessed to GIVE then to RECEIVE
这段经节,一直都以为是在福音书中,原来是在使徒行传。 Eventually, i thought that this verse should be in Gospel books, but it actually in Book of Act.
也许错觉上都让人认为,只要是耶稣的教导都在福音书吧! 不过,其实有很多都没被记录在福音书,这就是其中一个。 People usually have misconception that what ever teaching of Jesus, should be in Gospel books, but there are actually lot of teaching not recorded in Gospel books. This is one of them.
施为何会比受更为有福呢? Why is giving is more blessed then receive?
如何才能让施比受更为有福呢? How to make give is more blessed then receive?
我想,应该是心态的问题吧! For me, it is the matter of attitude.
施,要懂得不求回报,不带动机; 施,要在付出中找到喜乐,得到平安。 Give, shouldn't with motive, nor asking for return; Give, need to gain joy and peace in giving out.
施的人,感恩因为能力去付出,不需要领受。 施的人,得到的不是物质上的满足, 而是心灵上的满足。 People who give, have the ability to give, not asking of receive, people who give, gain satisfaction from spirit, not from the material.
施,不单是物质,也能是关怀,也能是爱; Give, is not just on material, but also caring and love;
这让我联想到,爱人幸福,还是被爱幸福? 是因为去爱人,才感受到爱? 还是被人爱,才感受到爱? This make me associate of, to love or be love is blessed? it is to love, you felt love? or be love, you felt love?
去爱,即使不被爱, 虽然会受伤害,但仍然感受到爱的实在, 也因为它实在,所以才会感受到被伤害, 它的幸福,就在于你认识了爱。 To love, although not be love, it might hurt,but still sense the actuality of love, and because it actual, you only will felt hurt, it's blessed because you know love.
被爱,即使不能去爱, 虽然感到幸福,但却感受不到爱的实在, 也因它不实在,所以幸福的感觉很短暂, 它的悲哀,是没有永久的幸福。 Be love, although not to love, it still felt blest, but not the concrete of love, and because it is not concrete, the beatific feeling is short, it's pathetic because the beatific feeling is not eternal .