
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

skill of taking salad

See......how large a bowl of salad you can take at Pizza Hut restaurant. hehe

Langkawi dun have any Pizza Hut restaurant, so i'm crazing for it after came back to Uni life.
on the first day i went to class, we make a sudden decision to go for it.
This salad was taken , all by me alone. it required skill and the gut, as all ppl around are looking at you....hehe

here, this is how u can get as much as me....

first,use a plate to support your bowl. then,  take some vege, arrange it nicely around the bowl. Then take the nut and corn , fill the centre of the bowl. later on, take the watermelon cube and arrange nicely around the bowl and on the vege, get some tamato on the centre. U'll found there is some space btw each tomato and watermelon,fill the space with nut again and then salad sauce. after that, take some onion slice, again arrange it nicely at the edge of bowl, then centre with honeydew. put some more nut and sauce. continue this sequence, then u found ur hand hardly to support anymore.hehe.
then sauce can act like a glue, stick the fruit together, preventing it from easily fall down.

lastly........enjoy it..........hehe



