
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pure in Heart

" Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" Matthew 5:8

Just finish a 3D2N mission trip in a rural area called Pengkalan Hulu and Pulau Banding, and this was actually my second time being there.

The ministry that we are going to do over there is a Orang Asli ministry, which mean the target of people that we are going to approach are those Orang Asli. Some of them are from tribe Semai, Jahul, jahut, Jahil, Temiang.....and many more tribe that I never heard before. If I'm not coming to this mission trip, I wont really know that there are so many Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia. If you don't know them, they were very much look like a Malay.

Orang Asli was actually the real original people that live on this land, long time even before Malay come from Mesir or Indonesia, or even before Chinese and Indian step on this land. However, although this were their land, there didn't really enjoy much benefit or advantage from these. Instead, most of the Orang Asli still live in a very bad condition ( bad condition for a average Chinese standard).

Anyway, I am touched with their life. Although they live a very basic life, some may consider they are in bad condition, but their life were full of God's grace. Most of them are not well educated, and many can't even read, but they have a very strong believe in God, in a way that most of the city people can't really compare with them. Their life remind me of this verse, " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God".

YES, they see God because of this pure faith. There were few families that I visit, and from their testimonial, they had a very faithful heart in serving their believes. They dont ask why this cant, why can; they don' t ask for materialistic satisfaction, instead they give thanks all the time in poor and adversity.

There are one kakak that really touch my heart, Kakak Comel. She always consider herself as a stupid one among all the church member, and she never get educated. Before she believe in Christ, she always felt life were miserable, she dare not to communicate with other, and become very close-heart to others. But after she getting know Christ through her eldest son, and the church member always came to visit her, slowly she open her heart to others, and she were a very cute old ladies, her life currently were full of joy and her joy can easily spread to people around her. Kakak Comel has a very pure heart as well, although she is not educated and can't read bible well, but her faith were so strong that she want to give thanks to God all the time, and she had a very strong eager to read God's word. She pray for a long long time that she are able to read, and she start to learn to read in 40's because she want to know more about God by His word. Now, she are able to read some sentence, in very slow progression. Her 1st prayer list for us, is that we pray for her to be able to read God's word, isn't that is amazing to see. Although many of us can read, but we don't really treasure this ability to read God's word...I was reflect on this. How much eager are we to know His words, to know Him more, and to get closer to Him??......

I do believe that education are a good tools to know God more, but at the same time it had become a stronghold that prevent people from getting knowing God. When people are getting more educated, people will start asking God with many knowledge and secret thing that many can't answer, and they couldn't just simple learn to humble themselves in knowing God. Knowledge make people become more complicated, and people starting to lose their this little pure heart inside them.

Last but not least, what I learn through this whole mission trip is pure heart. Pure heart among those Orang Asli over there, and also a pure heart in our mission trip member. I can see a lot of them are 1st timer, and they don't actually know what can they do over here. They just want to come to serve God, just to do whatever they can, to be used by God. This is another kind of pure heart, that I learn from their life. Although, technically, there are still a lot of space for improvement in this mission trip, but yet the most important thing is the heart of worship, and I can see this heart is in most of the members heart.

I really hope that everyone with a pure heart will see God, as promise in the Bible verse.....Do you see God in this mission trip?? I do!!



