
Thursday, January 5, 2012

MLM....a success or a failure

Another MLM approach me today again, AmWay...
and, keep saying there are not MLM. both of them said they will not join Amway if it is a MLM...
but, what the different between a business and MLM that they saying, or any other MLM saying they are developing business, not doing MLM?

or, am I look like a person that like MLM, and will do MLM?

I not sure whether it is a succuss, and i cannot even judge it. There are ppl success, and there are ppl fail. But if money is not the main concept of all this thing, who will do MLM? Everyday try to approach ppl and saying we are come to help you to gain wealth together.

Bible said " money is the root of all evil", when ppl go into MLM, I am sure most them are being centered with money in their life. and even when they see others, they see money on them. That is why I so dun like about MLM, it can really remove God from the center of life, without you notice about it. and, when God is remove, sin is done.

Yes, man can be success in life by doing MLM. but what about spiritual? I wishing not only wealth on the earth, but looking at the eternal wealth on heaven.

Please, no more MLM for me.



