
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pig and Babi

Was chatting with a friend yesterday, disturb her and chat in Malay. haha...
However, something funny when come to the word "Babi", which is Pig.

Me: Oi, you so pig lah. sleep eat sleep eat only.
      ( Oi, U ni babi sangat lah. tidur makan tidur makan saja.)
She : you lah pig. I where got sleep eat sleep eat.
        ( U lah babi, saya mana ada tidur makan tidur makan)

Suddenly, I found the work " Babi" is so weird, and sound like a foul language. However, the word pig is so cute.
Why is it different so much, when the same word in different language give people such a extreme impression?

You are so pig!
Hang ni Babi sangat !

word with same meaning, but different expression.
Do you get it?

Choose your word wisely.



